Join the lads from down under in their conquests for King and Country. Secure the beachhead with the valiant men from the 6th Victoria Battalion in the campaign for Gallipoli. Fall-in! Australia needs you now.
Content present in
Holdfast DLCs is purely cosmetic. It doesn’t and never will impact gameplay. Your kind generosity will be put to good use and bring this genre of
roleplay warfare games that all of us are fond of into the limelight.
● Unlock the Australian Forces' 6th Victoria Battalion Riflemen uniform for the Allied Powers.
● Unlock the Australian Forces' 6th Victoria Battalion Officer uniform for the Allied Powers.
● Unique voice-acted cheers, shouts, and insults when playing as the Australians. Voiced by the much-talented - Inrictus.
● Unlock the Australian banner for your playercard.
● Unlock the Slouch Cap portrait for your playercard.
● Unlock the ANZAC title for your playercard.